Title / Autor(s)
Hydrological and environmental conditions as key drivers for spatial and seasonal changes in PCDD/PCDF concentrations, transport and deposition along urban cascade reservoirs.
Chemosphere 88(11): 1358-1367.
Urbaniak M., Skowron A., Zieliński M., Zalewski M.
Lodz: city of water.
In: John Butterworth, Peter McIntyre and Carmen da Silva Wells [Eds.] SWITCH in the City. Putting urban water management to the test. IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 210-221.
Wagner I., da Silva Wells C., Butterworth J., Dzięgielewska-Geitz M.
The role of a lowland reservoir in the transport of micropollutants, nutrients and the suspended particulate matter along the river continuum.
Hydrology Research 43(4): 400-411.
Urbaniak M., Kiedrzyńska E., Zalewski M.
Training hydrologists to be ecohydrologists and play a leading role in environmental problem solving.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16(6): 1685-1696.
McClain M.E., Chícharo L., Fohrer N., Gaviño Novillo M., Windhorst W., Zalewski M.
Potentiale für den einsatz von nährstoff-filtersystemen in Deutschland zur verringerung der nährstoffeinträge in oberflächengewässer [Potential for reducing nutrient input in surface waters by using nutrient filters].
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 56(1): 4-15.
Holsten B., Bednarek A., Fier A., Fohrer N., Heckrath G., Höper H., Hugenschmidt C., Kjærgaard C., Krause B., Litz N., Matzinger A., Orlikowski D., Périllon C., Pfannerstill M., Rouault P., Schäfer W., Trepel M., Ubraniak M., Zalewski M.
Comparison of hydroacoustic estimates with fish census in shallow Malta Reservoir – Which TS/L regression to use in horizontal applications?
Fish. Res. 123-124: 90-97.
Godlewska M., Frouzova J., Kubecka J., Wiśniewolski W., Szlakowski J.
The key parameters and early warning methods to identify presence of toxigenic blooms dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa in the Jeziorsko Reservoir (Central Poland).
Fresenius Environ. Bull. 2012, 21(2): 295-303.
Gągała I., Izydorczyk K., Jurczak T., Mankiewicz-Boczek J.
The Natural Degradation of Microcystins (Cyanobacterial Hepatotoxins) in Freshwaters - Future for the Modern Treatment Systems and Water Quality Improvement.
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 21(5): 1125-1139.
Gągała I., Mankiewicz-Boczek J.
Preliminary molecular identification of cylindrospermopsin-producing Cyanobacteria in two Polish lakes (Central Europe).
FEMS Microbiology Letters 326(2): 173-179.
Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Kokociński M., Gągała I., Pawelczyk J., Jurczak T., Dziadek J.
Application of molecular tools in Ecohydrology.
Ecohydrol. Hydrol. 12(2): 165-170.
Mankiewicz-Boczek J.
Ecohydrology – process oriented thinking for sustainability of river basins.
Ecohydrol. Hydrol. 12(2): 89-92.
Zalewski M.
Punktowe źródła zanieczyszczeń jako zagrożenie dla jakości wód Pilicy.
Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna. 6: 254-256.
Kiedrzyńska E., Urbaniak M., Kiedrzyński M., Skłodowski M., Zalewski M.
Two different feeding tactics of young-of-the-year perch, Perca fluviatilis L., inhabiting the littoral zone of the lowland Sulejow Reservoir (Central Poland).
Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 12(1): 35-41.
Frankiewicz P., Wojtal-Frankiewicz A.
Adaptation of ecohydrological system solutions and biotechnologies for Africa.
II PAN ERCE, Łódź. ISBN: 978-83-928245-0-3, pp. 117.
Zalewski M., Urbaniak M. (Eds.).
Polish-Ethiopian cooperation in ecohydrology – toward sustainable water resources and ecosystem services for societies in Ethiopia.
In: Zalewski M., Urbaniak M. (Eds.) Adaptation of ecohydrological system solutions and biotechnologies for Africa.
II PAN ERCE, Łódź, pp. 7-20.
Zalewski M., Urbaniak M., Negussie Y.Z.
River floodplain as a purification system.
In: Zalewski M., Urbaniak M. (Eds.) Adaptation of ecohydrological system solutions and biotechnologies for Africa.
II PAN ERCE, Łódź, pp. 23-38.
Kiedrzyńska E., Zalewski M.
Regulation of matter circulation in watershEds. by the application of buffer zones.
In: Zalewski M., Urbaniak M. (Eds.) Adaptation of ecohydrological system solutions and biotechnologies for Africa.
II PAN ERCE, Łódź, pp. 39-48.
Izydorczyk K., Krauze K., Sodol A.
Eutrophication and methods of reversing its symptoms.
In: Zalewski M., Urbaniak M. (Eds.) Adaptation of ecohydrological system solutions and biotechnologies for Africa.
II PAN ERCE, Łódź, pp. 61-74.
Wojtal-Frankiewicz A., Frankiewicz P.
Diagnosing and possibilities of limiting toxic cyanobacterial blooms.
In: Zalewski M., Urbaniak M. (Eds.) Adaptation of ecohydrological system solutions and biotechnologies for Africa.
II PAN ERCE, Łódź, pp. 75-90.
Mankiewicz-Boczek J.
Persistent Organic Pollutants in water ecosystems – problems, causes and recommendations.
In: Zalewski M., Urbaniak M. (Eds.) Adaptation of ecohydrological system solutions and biotechnologies for Africa.
II PAN ERCE, Łódź, pp. 91-100.
Urbaniak M.
Persistent Organic Pollutants in water ecosystems – a case study of Asella, Ethiopia.
In: Zalewski M., Urbaniak M. (Eds.) Adaptation of ecohydrological system solutions and biotechnologies for Africa.
II PAN ERCE, Łódź, pp. 101-104.
Zalewski M., Urbaniak M.
POLAND: Management and Regulation of Toxic Cyanobacteria.
In: Chorus I. (Ed.) Current approaches to Cyanotoxin risk assessment, risk management and regulations in different countries.
Federal Environmental Agency, Germany. 2012, TEXTE 63, pp. 109-114.
Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Kobos J., Gągała I., Izydorczyk K., Toruńska A.
Water Quality Improvement Through an Integrated Approach to Point and Non-Point Sources Pollution and Management of River Floodplain Wetlands.
In: Voudouris K, Voutsa D. (Eds.). Ecological Water Quality – Water Treatment and Reuse. INTECH Open Access, 325-342.
Kiedrzyńska E., Zalewski M.
Biotechnologie ekohydrologiczne – narzędziem do poprawy jakości wód zlewni Pilicy i potencjału ekologicznego Zbiornika Sulejowskiego.
W: Raport o stanie środowiska w województwie łódzkim w 2011 roku. Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska Łódź: 72-77.
Izydorczyk K., Frątczak W., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Gągała I., Cichowicz E., Courseau L., Jurczak T., Zalewski M.
Ekotony dla redukcji zanieczyszczeń obszarowych.
Gospodarka Wodna, kwartalnik WODA 3: 1-4.
Frątczak W., Izydorczyk K., Zalewski M.
Blue-Green City for compensating Global Climate Change.
The Parliament Magazine – Politics, Policy and People, 350: 2-3.
Zalewski M., Wagner I., Frątczak W., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Parniewski P.
The recent progress in Ecohydrology development and implementation in UNESCO Ecohydrology Centers.
SIL News 60: 8-9.
Zalewski M., Chicharo L.