Major publications
In 2001 Polish Academy of Sciences launched the International Journal of ECOHYDROLOGY & HYDROBIOLOGY. The Journal publishes papers concerned with the ecohydrology of rivers, reservoirs, and lakes, with emphasis on the functional interrelations between hydrology and biota. It includes original research papers, reviews, short communications, book reviews, and special issues integrating the new directions of research.
Zalewski M. (ed.) 2000. Special Issue on Ecohydrology. Ecological Engineering. The Journal of Ecotechnology 16, No. 1, 197 pp.
Wagner I., Zalewski M. 2000. Effect of hydrological patterns of tributaries on biotic processes in lowland reservoir - consequences for restoration. Special Issue. Ecological Engineering 16:79-90.
Zalewski M. 2002. Ecohydrology- the use of ecological and hydrological processes for sustainable management of water resources. Hydrological Sciences Journal 47(5):825-834.
Zalewski M., Robarts R. 2003. Ecohydrology - a new Paradigm for Integrated Water Resources Management. SIL News 40:1-5.
Zalewski M., Santiago-Fandino V., Neate J. 2003. Energy, water, plant interactions: "Green Feedback" as a mechanism for environmental management and control through the application of phytotechnology and ecohydrology. Hydrological Processes 17: 2753-2767.
Godlewska, M. Swierzowski A. 2003. Hydroacustical parameters of fish in reservoirs with contrasting level of eutrophication. Aquatic Living Resources, 16(3):167-173.
Drobniewska A., Tarczynska M., Mankiewicz J., Jurczak T., Zalewski M. 2004. Increase of Crustacean sensitivity to purified hepatotoxic cyanobacterial extracts by manipulation of experimental conditions. Environmental Toxicology 19:416-420.
Wagner-Lotkowska I., Bocian J., Pypaert P., Santiago-Fandino V., Zalewski M. 2004. Environment and economy - dual benefit of ecohydrology and phytotechnology in water resources management: Pilica River Demonstration Project under the auspices of UNESCO and UNEP. In: Ecology & Hydrobiology 4(3): 345-352.
Wolanski E., Boorman L.A., Chicharo L., Langlois-Saliou E., Lara R., Plater A.J., Uncles R.J., Zalewski M. 2004. Ecohydrology as a new tool for sustainable management of estuaries and coastal waters. Wetlands Ecology and Management 12:235-276.
Izydorczyk K., Tarczynska M., Jurczak T., Mrowczynski J., Zalewski M. 2005. Measurement of phycocyanin fluorescence as an online Early Warning System for cyanobacteria in reservoir intake water. Environmental Toxicology 20:425-430.
Jurczak T., Tarczynska M., Izydorczyk K., Mankiewicz J., Zalewski M. 2005. Elimination of microcystins by water treatment process - examples from Sulejow Reservoir, Poland. Water Research 39:2394-2406.
Mankiewicz J., Komarkowa J., Izydorczyk K., Jurczak T., Tarczynska M., Zalewski M. 2005. Hepatotoxic cyanobacterial blooms in the Lakes of Northern Poland. Environmental Toxicology 20:499-506.
Dabrowska H., Fisher S.W., Estenik J., Kidekhel R., Stromberg P. 2006. Polychlorinated Biphenyl Concentrations, Congener Profiles, and Ratios in the Fat Tissue, Eggs, and Plasma of Snapping Turtles (Chelydra s. serpentina) from the Ohio Basin of Lake Erie, USA. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Springer Science Business Media, Inc. 10.1007/s 00244-005-0113-9.
Kiedrzyńska E., Wagner I., Zalewski M. 2008. Quantification of phosphorus retention efficiency by floodplain vegetation and a management strategy for a eutrophic reservoir restoration. Ecological Engineering 33: 15-25.
Izydorczyk K, Jurczak T, Wojtal-Frankiewicz A, Skowron A, Mankiewicz-Boczek J, Tarczyńska M. 2008. Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on microcystin content in Microcystis aeruginosa cells in a eutrophic temperate reservoir. Journal of Plankton Research 30 (4): 393-400.
Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Nałęcz-Jawecki G., Drobniewska A., Kaza M., Sumorok B., Izydorczyk K., Zalewski M., Sawicki J. 2008. Application of a microbiotests battery for complete toxicity assessment of rivers. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71(3): 830-836.
Urbaniak M., Zieliński M., Wesołowski W., Zalewski M. 2008. PCBs and Heavy Metals Contamination in Bottom Sediments from Three Reservoirs of Different Catchment Characteristics. Polish J. of Environ. Stud. 17(6): 941-949.
Ekohydrologia, Redakcja naukowa: Maciej Zalewski, PWN, Warszawa, 1, 2020
UNEP-IETC, UNESCO IHP. 2002. Guidelines for the Integrated Management of the Watershed Phytotechnology and Ecohydrology. Zalewski M. (ed.). UNEP DTIE IETC. Freshwater Management Series No. 5, 188 pp.
UNESCO-IHP, UNEP-IETC. 2004. Integrated Watershed Management-Ecohydrology & Phytotechnology - Manual. Zalewski M., Wagner-Lotkowska I. (eds). UNESCO IHP, UNESCO - ROSTE, UNEP-DTIE-IETC, ICE PAS, DAE UL, Venice, Osaka, Warsaw, Lodz. 208 pp.
Chicharo L., Wagner I., Chicharo M., Łapińska M., Zalewski M. (eds). (2009). Practical Experiments Guide For Ecohydrology. UNESCO-BRESCE; UNESCO-IHP; University of Algarve: Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Centro de Ciencias do Mar do Algarve, International Centre for Coastal Ecohydrology; International Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences - European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology under the auspices of UNESCO; University of Lodz Department of Applied Ecology. 121 pp. ISBN: 978-989-20-1702-0
Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable Urban Water Management: Science, Policy and Practice. 2008. Wagner, I. , Marshalek, J. and Breil, P. (eds).Taylor and Francis/Balkema: Leiden, 229 pp.
Ecohydrology: Processes, Models and Case Studies: An approach to the sustainable management of water resources. 2008. Harper, D. M., Zalewski, M., Pacini, N. (eds). Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp 303-317.
Water Quality for Ecosystem and Human Health, 2nd Edition. 2008. Main authors: Carr, G.M. and Neary, J.A. UNEP GEMS/Water Programme, II PAS ERCE UNESCO, IAP Water Programme, pp 61-68.
Use of landscape sciences for the assessment of environmental security. 2008. Petrosillo, I., Jones, B., Muller, F., Zurlini, G., Krauze, K., Victorov, S. (ed.) Springer-Verlag Publishers, pp 177-208.
Ecohydrology and Its implementation in Ecuador. 2018/2019. Albarracín, M., Gaona, J., Chicharo, L., Zalwski, M. (eds).
UNESCO-IHP Technical Documents in Hydrology
Zalewski M., Janauer G.S., Jolankai G. (eds). 1997. Ecohydrology - A new Paradigm for the Sustainable Use of Aquatic Resources. UNESCO-IHP. Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 7, Paris.
Zalewski M., McClain M. 1998. Ecohydrology. A list of Scientific Activities of 2.3/2.4 IHP-V "Ecohydrology". UNESCO-IHP. Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 21, Paris.
Zalewski M., Wagner I. (eds), 2000. Ecohydrology Advanced Study Course. Ecohydrology concept as problem solving approach. UNESCO-IHP. Technical Documents in Hydrology No.34, Paris.
Harper D.M., Zalewski M. (eds). 2001. Ecohydrology. Science and the sustainable management of tropical waters. A summary of the projects presented to the Conference Naivasha, Kenya, 11-16 April 1999. UNESCO-IHP. Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 46, Paris.
McClain M., Zalewski M. (eds). 2001. Ecohydrology. Hydrological and Geochemical Processes in Large River Basins. A summary of the projects presented to the International Symposium Manaus, Brazil, 15-19 Nov. 1999. UNESCO-IHP. Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 47, Paris.