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International projects

ongoing projects

BIO-Agora - Bio Knowledge Agora: Developing the Science Service for European Research and Biodiversity Policymaking,
Grant European Commission (Brussels, BE)
GRANT NUMBER: 101059438 - BIO-Agora, 2022-2027, 

BioAgora is a collaborative European project funded by the Horizon Europe programme. It aims to connect research results on biodiversity to the needs of policy making in a targeted dialogue between scientists, other knowledge holders and policy actors.

responsible person - dr Kinga Krauze

IP LIFE PL Pilica Basin CTRL - Implementation of River Basin Management Plan in the Vistula basin on the example of Pilica river catchment - „Wdrażanie Planu gospodarowania wodami w dorzeczu Wisły na przykładzie zlewni Pilicy”
(w skrócie: LIFE Pilica)
Project of the LIFE programme (the EU's funding instrument), Komisja Europejska w ramach programu LIFE (60%), oraz NFOSiGW (35%),
duration time: 2021-2030,


LIFE PILICA uzyskał dofinansowanie z Komisji Europejskiej w ramach programu działań na rzecz środowiska i klimatu LIFE, a tym samym dołączył do grupy wodnych projektów zintegrowanych LIFE realizowanych w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Beneficjentami projektu są Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej w Warszawie (pełniący rolę Beneficjenta Koordynującego), Europejskie Regionalne Centrum Ekohydrologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Fundacja na rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa oraz FPP Enviro. Instytucją współfinansującą projekt jest Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej.

responsible person - dr hab. Katarzyna Izydorczyk

EUPOLIS Integrated NBS-based Urban Planning Methodology for Enhancing the Health and Well-being of Citizens: the euPOLIS Approach, Project of the Horizon 2020 EU Programme (Project duration time: 2020-2024), grant agreement number 869448,

EuPOLIS’ approach connects Nature Based Solution interventions for open public spaces with citizens’ needs for improved public health and Well Being. The main concept and groups of NBS are presented in the following figure and implemented in our four demonstration sites.

responsible person - dr Kinga Krauze

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ATENAS = Alians technologii, przyrody i społeczeństwa dla zintegrowanego zarządzania wodą w mieście. To Ally Technology, Nature and Society for integrated urban water management.
Project of NCBR (w ramach ERA-NET) 2019 - 2022
JPI Water


ATENAS project aims to use cities water resources to secure regulatory ecosystem services, enable Nature-Based Solutions and increase adaptability to global changes.

responsible person - dr Kinga Krauze

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WATERDRIVE - Water driven rural development in the Baltic Sea Region -
Woda czynnikiem stymulującym rozwój obszarów wiejskich w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego
Project of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region
EU Program 2019 - 2021 

Projekt dofinansowany przez Ministerstwo Edukacji

i Nauki w ramach umowy nr 5154/Interreg BSR/2020/2 o wykonanie projektu międzynarodowego współfinansowanego.

Wysokość dofinansowania: 94 017,00 zł.

WATERDRIVE project targets for water quality set by national and international legislation such as the Water Framework Directive have not been met yet in many regions around the Baltic Sea. There seems to be a lack of capacity among local authorities to reach these targets and at the same time to develop competitive rural businesses. WATERDRIVE project enhances local implementation practices for responsible water management by providing tools and training for about 20 rural communities.

responsible person - dr hab. prof ERCE Katzrzyna Izydorczyk


RECONECT - Regenarating ecosystems with nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction
Project of the HORIZON 2020
EU Programme 2018 - 2023

RECONECT aims to rapidly enhance the European reference framework on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for hydro-meteorological risk reduction by demonstrating, referencing, upscaling and exploiting large-scale NBS in rural and natural areas.

In an era of Europe’s natural capital being under increased cumulative pressure, RECONECT will stimulate a new culture of co-creation of ‘land use planning’ that links the reduction of hydro-meteorological risk with local and regional development objectives in a sustainable and financially viable way.

To do that, RECONECT draws upon a network of carefully selected Demonstrators and Collaborators that cover a wide and diverse range of local conditions, geographic characteristics, institutional/governance structures and social/cultural settings to successfully upscale NBS throughout Europe and Internationally.

responsible person - dr hab. prof ERCE Katzrzyna Izydorczyk


eLTER PLUS - European long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological systems research infrastructure PLUS, 
grant agreement number 871128, Horizon 2020


eLTER Preparatory Phase Project

grant agreement number 871126, Horizon 2020-

2020 - 2025

The Advanced Community Project for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER PLUS) belongs to INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 programme of HORIZON 2020 and is built on three main pillars -  networking, joint research activities and transnational, remote and virtual access. eLTER PLUS will conduct a performance test of the emerging eLTER RI while challenging, assessing and strengthening its operations. Selected sites and platforms in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems will be used to study ecosystem integrity, impacts of climate change and endangered ecosystem services at a pan-European scale. Alongside these exemplary case studies eLTER PLUS will identify and assess innovative observational and analytical methods, elaborate detailed specifications of eLTER RI according to community needs (standard observations, site design), support community building and training,  and pilot priority services (IT and other support).

responsible person - Dr Kinga Krauze


ECOSERV - Usługi świadczone przez główne typy ekosystemów w Polsce – Podejście Stosowane
Project EEA: Granty Norweskie
2021 - 2023

responsible person - Dr Kinga Krauze


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AMBER - Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers
Project of the HORIZON 2020
EU Programme 2016 - 2020

AMBER seeks to apply adaptive management to the operation of barriers in European rivers to achieve a more effective and efficient restoration of stream connectivity. To do this, we are developing tools, models, and toolkits that will allow hydropower companies and river managers to maximize benefits and minimize ecological impacts. This will improve energy security, help protect jobs, and boost European competitiveness, particularly in rural economies.
AMBER project will also help protect global biodiversity in rivers by decreasing fragmentation, promoting habitat connectivity, and evaluating the merits of different restoration actions through developed tools.

responsible person - Prof. Maciej Zalewski


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